Sunday, May 8, 2016

Daniel Fast

Ok, so we're starting a Daniel Fast in one hour. Well you maybe asking yourself what is a Daniel Fast. It's the way that we are going to get Jesus to take the wheel in our life. It is a fast where we give up certain foods and limit our time on social media. The fast is much more effective when you give up social media completely (instagram, facebook) for 21 days. The idea is that you replace that time that you would spend on social media spending time with Jesus. If you get hungry or want a certain food take it to God, let him strengthen you. This fast is not a magic formula that will end all your problems, it is a pathway to Jesus. Jesus is always the answer and getting away from the worlds distractions will always bring you closer to him.
If you feel like you can no longer hear Gods voice this fast is for you. If you need a breakthrough this fast is for you. Strugiling with sin, stuck in a deadend relationship, or worried about your job and future? Yeap, this fast is for you. I encourage you not to give up. Spend a little time with God today and ask him to guide your steps. He will never lead you in the wrong direction.
Here are some of the foods you can eat on the Daniel Fast: Fruits, beans, nuts, vegetables, whole grain tortillas ,fresh vegetables, unsweetened almond milk and seasonings.
We are to avoid all meats, dairy, sweeteners, and deep fried food.
Try to keep your time on social media limited to 30 minutes or less each day. For a full complete list visit

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